The Meaning of "SPEARTEN"
SPEARTEN is a play on words of spartan, except it is used to describe a series of actions that you, the coffee warrior, shall take in your day!
Start by planning your day with strong structure, then prepare with our amazing coffee! Motivate you mind with our ENERGY FORMULA, so that you may move towards your goals and act on opportunity!
Collect your spoils from your effort, reflect on what it took, and absorb everything you've experienced to make you better!
Lastly, relax! You had a great day! Then get ready to do it again, tackling your day with maximum focus! Get started with our house blend below!

We love lifting weights, gaming, and chuggin' coffee. However, we wanted more than just caffeine to fuel our ambition. Our coffee is imbued with POWERFUL supplements, in what we call our 'Energy Formula'. This formula is mixed at the perfect ratio to preserve flavor, while getting you the focus and energy you need to SPEAR through your day!

"I wanted SPEARTEN to stand out. Coffee was my passion and I truly enjoyed the work and historical significance that goes with it. Coffee made the world into the modern age. It changed lives. It played a part in my life almost every morning, inspiring me to do great things with my own life. After getting out of college and trying to make a stand in the corporate world, it became clear each day how the world of work was changing and sometimes not for the good. We get obsessed with things that are bad for us and try to use those things to fuel negative or non-meaningful work. For me, finding my faith was one of the biggest factors in establishing a purpose and building on that. Coffee has helped me put my creative mind on something I actually love, and I couldn't be happier.
Making a foothold in the coffee industry is challenging, but SPEARTEN dares to become the spear and push through any obstacles. Coffee should be seen as an energizing force, which is why we had coffee enhanced to further that purpose. Our goal was founded on delivering power and improving cognitive function, while executing on beautiful, coffee flavor. We seek to stand out on everyone's shelf amongst other coffee brands that blend together. SPEARTEN will make an impact in the middle of those days where you feel down both physically and mentally. So that you become that warrior on the bag for the day, and own it."