SPEARTEN Coffee was made to bring a modern twist to our favorite, classic source of caffeine. We saw too many supplements coming out and too many coffee replacements, making us feel as though coffee is getting SLANDERED.
Coffee is great. It gives us energy, it's a great source of antioxidants, and it has a little bit of nutritional value and helps with digestion (we love trips to the toilet).
But SPEARTEN wanted to bring coffee to a new generation. That's why our coffee is infused with Supplements and Vitamins, giving us our 3 Pillars: POWER, CLARITY, and FLAVOR. Power from strong ingredients, clarity from calming and eye opening ingredients, and flavor from our growing flavored coffee lineup.
At the moment, we only have 3 flavors, all in the bag form. Currently we are working on our first seasonal blend (which would be obvious as to what flavor that is), as well as 2 more flavors for the year. Additionally, we are trying our best to get KCUPS out for everyone's convenience, especially to the office crowd. We're working on a best solution at the moment that fits our budget. It is really difficult to find the right way to brand KCUPs without MASSIVE Minimum Order Quantities (which we can't afford :/)
We're planning on doing Bags for the KCUPs, with around 20 cups total, making sure you get your money's worth, instead of going through it in a single week. Not only that, all of our coffees will come with the Energy Formula, which while that would require grinded coffee only, we would be open to simple whole beans for a non-flavored coffee, should ya'll like that :)
For anyone that reads through this whole thing, please keep SPEARTEN in mind when choosing coffee. We are still a really small brand, but we've managed to get 20% towards our monthly goal from the events! However, online sales will still need some help. For those that are reading this part, enjoy a free 15% off discount using code "helpspearten", available now through 5/18/2023-5/25/2023 11:59 PM, for one time purchases only.
Thank you,
Ryan Adam Jackson